A qualified coach and IVF patient - I’ve been where you are.

My Background

I partner with successful, ambitious women to help them manage fertility treatment alongside their career goals and commitments.

But I didn’t start there. I have more than two-decades’ experience in marketing working on some of the UK’s most established media brands, from the BBC and ITV to News UK and Hearst , leading large teams to success. I’m a 2012 Marketing Academy scholar and member of The Futures Network. 

My Story

In 2015 I experienced recurrent miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies, which devastated my confidence.

With insight from my mentor, I reframed work as a helpful distraction from the emotions of my fertility challenges, and that resulted in promotion to Director of Marketing and Communications at Freesat. During this time I went through intensive IVF treatment, so I have deep, first-hand experience of the struggle and juggle involved. 

My Approach

Having qualified as a coach in 2020, I now focus on helping women make ‘work work’ while facing fertility challenges.

Using a variety of coaching techniques, coupled with an empathetic but pragmatic style, I support my clients to flourish in the workplace and face (in)fertility without fear

Additionally, I help other women create a fertility and career roadmap, to pave the way to potential parenthood without risking their career or leaving fertility to fate. 

My Bigger Picture

My consultancy services help corporates to establish fertility policies in line with their brand and company values.

Utilising my marketing, coaching and fertility experience enables me to ensure the policy works and is used, rather than getting lost in an HR folder.

I’m a partner coach of The Ethical Coaching Company, the leaders in Ethical Coaching Standards. I’m also an Advisory Board Member of The IVF Network.

Watch my interview

Watch Charlotte Gentry, Founder of The IVF Network, interview me about why I became a Career and Fertility Coach.

Take the first step to creating your career and fertility strategy